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My research interests lie in the intersection of education and philosophy, and education and political thought. I am currently working on a funded research project on education for reparation and climate justice. I am also involved with a collaborative research project on critical social theory and the Philippine context.

Selected Recent Conference Presentations

2023 Towards reparational research in educational philosophy. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britiain 2023 Conference. 31 March to 2 April 2023, Oxford University.


2023 Educating future ancestors for climate justice. Philosophy of Education Society, 2-6 March 2023. Palmer House, Chicago.


2022 Towards reparational research: Decolonial critique and postcolonial creation. Keynote lecture. Ustinov College Annual Conference, 25–25 June 2022, Durham University, Durham, England.


2021 Teaching nationalism in schools: Decolonising the debate. Paper presentation. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference, 3 September 2021, Online.


2019 Is a different type of nationalism possible?: Reconceptualising national identity for a new decade. Invited plenary lecture. Philosophical Association of the Philippines Midyear Conference, 16 November 2019, UP Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.


2019  Theorising schools as cultural playgrounds: A decolonised understanding of cultural education in schools. (Paper within a refereed symposium.) BERA Annual Conference, 12 Sept 2019, University of Manchester.


2019 “Schools are not political but social”: An Arendtian Perspective on Schools and Minority Cultures. Refereed paper presentation. PESGB Annual Conference, 30 March 2019, Oxford University.


2018  Hannah Arendt’s Insights on Communality and Teacher Authority in Schools: Possibilities for a Culturally-Rooted Approach to Asian Education. (Paper within a refereed symposium.) BERA Annual Conference, 13 September 2018, Northumbria University.


2017  Schools as social spaces: Hannah Arendt’s theory of schools. PESA Annual Conference, 2 December 2017, Newcastle, Australia. 

Selected Academic Publications 

Azada-Palacios, R. Forthcoming. Postcolonial education and national identity: An Arendtian reimagination. Bloomsbury Academic.


Cheong, S. M.; Azada-Palacios, R. A.; Beye, K. 2024. Becoming bridge citizens: Education for social justice in conflict-affected settings. Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice. DOI: 10.1177/17461979231222904


Azada-Palacios, R. 2023. The role of the philosopher of education in the task of decoloniality. Journal of Philosophy of Education. DOI: 10.1093/jopedu/qhad055


Browning, P.; Highet, K.; Azada-Palacios, R.;  Douek, T.; Gong, E. Y.; Sunyol, A. 2022. Conspiring to decolonise language teaching and learning: reflections and reactions from a reading group. London Review of Education. DOI: 10.14324/LRE.20.1.42


Opiniano, G. A.; Jackson, L.; Cortez, F. G. F.... Azada-Palacios, R. 2021. Philosophy of education in a new key: A collective writing project on the state of Filipino philosophy of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory 54(8): 1256-1270. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2021.2008357


Azada-Palacios, R. A. 2021. School as social spaces: Towards an Arendtian consideration of multicultural education. Journal of Philosophy of Education 55(4-5): 564-576. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9752.12577


Tesar, M.; Hytten, K.; Hoskins, T. K.... Azada-Palacios, R.... Jackson, L. 2021. Philosophy of education in a new key: Future of philosophy of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory 54(8): 1234-1255. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2021.1946792 


Azada-Palacios, R. A. 2021. Hybridity and national identity in post-colonial schools. Educational Philosophy and Theory 54(9):1431-1441. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2021.1920393


Cheong, S. M.; Azada-Palacios, R.; Beye, K.; Lang, A.; Saud, N. & Tong, Y. 2021 (in press). Collective autobiographical reflexivity on active and compassionate and active citizenship in the COVID-19 crisis. Perspectives in Education 39(1): 304-322. DOI: 10.18820/2519593X/pie.v39.i1.19


Azada-Palacios, R .A. 2019.  Arendt and teacher education. Chapter in Encyclopaedia of Teacher Education. Springer.


Azada-Palacios, R. A. & Mariano, P. J. 2012.  Education of ethnic minorities in the Philippines. Chapter in Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. James Banks, editor. Sage.


Azada-Palacios, R. A. 2008. Self-revelation and political consciousness: Insights from Hannah Arendt. In Rolando Gripaldo & Jove Jim S. Aguas, (eds.), Philosophical Papers: Selected Papers Delivered at PAP Conferences, vol. 3, 102-108.

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