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Giving one of the keynotes at WDP's workshop on 'Resilience'

It was an honor this weekend to be doing one of three keynotes for the Women Doing Philosophy workshop on philosophical considerations of 'resilience'. The workshop was organized by Women Doing Philosophy, Beyond the Ghetto, UP Los Baños' philosophy division, with funding from the University of Connecticut College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The workshop was part of a book project led by Dr. Tracy Llanera (UConn) on philosophical considererations of resilience, written by Filipino women philosophers, which will be out (most likely) in 2024.

The workshop was held at UP Los Baños, and I presented my talk remotely, via Zoom. My presentation was titled, "Reconceptualizing women's academic citizenship: Finding life-giving collegiality in a time of dying," based on a project I've been working on for the past 6 months which aims to fine-tune the standard conceptualization of academic citizenship. My work draws from interviews with women who have had positive experiences of academic citizenship across the pandemic, and from feminist republican and neo-Roman republican thought.

It was an honor to be invited to give one of the keynotes, and a privilege to share my work with colleagues. I received great questions and helpful feedback, which has given me renewed energy to hammer out the final version of the paper!

I was able to listen in on a few of the other sessions as well (but not all, because of the time difference and Internet connection issues). It was a joy, in general, to hear how the resilience book project is shaping up, and, more specifically, to hear the voices of young Filipino women philosophers sharing their thoughts and commentaries. My warm congratulations to all the organizers and the participants!

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