I am a philosopher of education who shuttles between London and Manila. I am interested broadly in the intersection between education and critical political thought. My book Postcolonial Education and National Identity is currently in press with Bloomsbury Academic. I am also on the editorial board of the journals Ethics and Education (Taylor and Francis) and the IMPACT series of the Journal of Philosophy of Education (Oxford University Press), and I am an associate editor of the Brill series on philosophy of education.
For more than 20 years, I have taught at Ateneo de Manila University, where I am currently the Philosophy Department coordinator for graduate programmes. I also lecture regularly at New York University London, London Metropolitan University, and University College London.
From August 2024 to September 2025, I am working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, for the Reversing the Gaze project. My other research projects have been on education for reparation, climate justice education, and the academic citizenship of marginalized academics. I have also been involved in a number of philosophy and interdisciplinary research projects related to social justice in education, the concept of educational attunement, and critical social theory from a Philippine lens.
I am the Founding Chair of the Philippine Society of Education and Philosophy (PhilSEP) and a founding member of Women Doing Philosophy (in the Philippines). I was one of the founding producers of the podcast Conversations4Citizenship.
I hold a PhD in Philosophy of Education from the UCL Institute of Education, University College London, an MA in Citizenship Education (with distinction) from the Institute of Education, University of London, and MA and AB (cum laude) degrees in philosophy from Ateneo de Manila University.